- So waaarm!


Sorry that i didn't update last night.
It's so warm here in my bedroom. I can't sleep.

I will do a update about my weekend in short version now.
Me and my sister was in Uppsala at UPPCON all weekend.
So nice! Went to a consert too. And i was lucky that i get a photo of me and the singer in the band!^^

Today i have worked. Work tomorrow too.
On Friday it's office party. We are going to go out and boating! In Sweden it's called 'Ribbåt'.

Now i'm going to listen to music a while.

My clock is ringing at 3:30am tomorrow.
So i should try to sleep soon too.

Lots of love!


Jennie tycker att du ska skriva något nu!

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Så att Jennie kommer ihåg dig

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