- For the world.

Have you ever took your time and just listen to the sound of the day?

- Sorry for my bad update!


Sorry for my bad update.
But my internet is so slow right now at home. We are gonna fix some better internet soon!^^
Today I have worked! First day in 2 weeks. I had vacation for 2 weeks.

So now it's work and hard training again!
Going to work tomorrow and tomorrow evening i'm going to the gym! Lovely!
Going to eat my NUTRILETT again now too!^^
And i'm also going to practice japanese alot too!

It has been 2 really nice weeks. I have been out with the boat, been at a concert, been out alot and been with friends and alot more!

It's almost autumn outside. It's getting darker and darker at the evening.
Right now it's raining a little outside.

Oh, one more thing. Next year we are going to Thailand!^^

Now i'm going to look at Simpsons for a while.
Hope that i can sleep more than 2 hours this night.

My clock is ringing at 4:00am tomorrow!

Lots of love!

- Never give up!

So much will, so much strength. I'm going to keep this up!

- Your name in my heart!

Now, I call your name over and over again. Just for you my Dear!

- On my way!


Now i'm on my way home to my little brother and his girlfriend.^^

I Update tonight!

Lots of love!

- A lot to do!


I don't have time to update here right now.
I promise to update this weekend!^^

And some new pictures coming this weekend too!


- Night update!

I think I just broke my toe! :'(

- Alot to do!


I have a lot to do right now. Today i have moved to my house!

I update tomorrow!^^

Lots of love!

- Never give up!

Never stop running for the perfect dream!

- Hard week, hard training!


Late night. I should try to sleep soon. But first i need to update here!^^

Today i have: Worked 10 hours.
And this evening i have been at the gym AND i have also been out for a power-walk! Alot of training today!^^
I'm really proud over myself!

Tomorrow i'm going to work again, and tomorrow evening i'm going to the gym.
Today i have eaten 2 NUTRILETT and ordinary dinner.
And 2 fruits.^^
Going to be the same tomorrow. 2 NUTRILETT and ordinary dinner.

Now i must listen to music before i go to sleep.
My clock is ringing at 3:30am tomorrow morning!
I'm not really tired yet. Maybe i should skip sleeping tonight? I don't have time to sleep!
Well, lets see about that. Now, music!

Lots of love!

- Sunday night..


Today have been a looong day!
My stomach hurts. It has been a really stressful day today!
I have been working on my house. I wanted to fix in the garden too, but it has raining all day.
I was out for a while, but i was getting wet in just a few minutes.

Today we have celebrated my little-brother too.
He turned 16 years last Thursday.

Now i'm in bed. I just came out from the shower and i have just painted my nails white. Pretty!^^

Tomorrow it's work time again.
After work tomorrow i'm going to fix a little in the house, and after that i'm going to the gym! 
This week i'm going to eat just NUTRILETT again! I have eaten NUTRILETT for about 3 month now, but i have eaten normally dinner at evening, and normally breakfast some days, but this week i will just eat NUTRILETT!^^

Now, i'm going to listen to music!
Need to try to sleep in a hour or 2. My clock is ringing at 4:00am tomorrow morning!


- I can't forget..


Sorry for my bad update!
I haven't had any time to update here.
I have worked all week. Work next week too.
Next week it's midsummer here in Sweden too!^^
Today i have been at P's parents house, i have eating some barbeque. Lovely!
This evening i've been in Uppsala too. Home at some friends house.

Tomorrow we are going to fix the last things in the house.
Moving in a few days!

Now i'm going to listen so some music.
Music is my world!


- Laughing!

The one who will get the last laugh will always be me!

- Late night.


Busy weekend. This weekend i have done alot!
I have been working on the house.
Almost done. Not so much left before the big move!

Last Friday i was in Stockholm with my work and was going out with a boat called 'Ribbåt'.
We also had a navigation-contest, and my team won!
As our price we was lucky to ride on a boat called 'Stridsbåt 90'.
It was really fun!

Tomorrow i'm going to work again. My clock is ringing at 3:30 tomorrow morning.
Now i'm going to listen to music! Later i'm going to try to sleep.

Lots of love!

- So waaarm!


Sorry that i didn't update last night.
It's so warm here in my bedroom. I can't sleep.

I will do a update about my weekend in short version now.
Me and my sister was in Uppsala at UPPCON all weekend.
So nice! Went to a consert too. And i was lucky that i get a photo of me and the singer in the band!^^

Today i have worked. Work tomorrow too.
On Friday it's office party. We are going to go out and boating! In Sweden it's called 'Ribbåt'.

Now i'm going to listen to music a while.

My clock is ringing at 3:30am tomorrow.
So i should try to sleep soon too.

Lots of love!

- A looong weekend!^^


It's in the middle of the night.. And i'm still awake?! I should not be up this late, when i have work tomorrow.
My clock is ringing in 3 hours. 4:00am i'm going up.

This weekend rocked!
So awesome. I tell you all about it tomorrow.
Now i'm going to listen to music and try to sleep.


- Your smile...

Real or dream? Who knows...

- Vacation!


Now i have 5 days vacation!^^
This weekend i have a lot planned.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday, i'm going to Uppsala and UPPCON! That is going to be fun!^^

I have also some thing to do on the house. Going to be a loooong weekend!
Start working on Thuesday again.

I sleept on the couch for about 2 hours at my parents house this evening.
Now, it's the middle of the night, and i'm not tired! Maybe i stay up all night tonight, need to get up early tomorrow morning. Going to fix in the house. Moving-time in less than 2 weeks!
I'm also going to study japanese alot this weekend. And going to the gym ofcourse!^^

This weekend i'm going to photography alot, with my new camera!

Need to fix my tire to my bike this weekend too. So i can be out and bicycling!

My beautiful bike!

Now i'm going to listen to some music.

Lots of love!

- Internet-problems!

Sorry that i haven't updated, but since last night i have some internet problems at home. Right now i'm at my parents house.
Hope that my internet at home working now!
Today i have worked. Over 10 hours. I have been up since 4:00 clock this morning. And i'm not tired yet. I'm going home soon, and going to clean a little.
Tomorrow i'm going to work again.
Hope that i can update tonight!

- Photo, photo, photo!


Today i have been in Uppsala.
Bought things to my new kitchen, and i have also bought a new camera!
My old camera is not working.

This one is a purple and a really nice camera!
A Nikon Coolpix s-3100!
Now i can photography again!^^

                              ( Picture from google. )

My brother and P have been doing some thing in the house today.
I have cuddle with Mom's kittens all evening!^^

I want to travel! NOW!
I can't stay here in Sweden. I want to fly away!
My big dream is to travel to Japan and be there for some weeks.
That would be awesome!

Now i'm going to look at a movie. 'RED'.
Later i should try to sleep. Need to get up early tomorrow. I'm going to the gym tomorrow morning!


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